Mix Egg Crispy aka Fuyunghai

3 eggs
100-125 g minced beef
1 cloves garlic. minced
1/4 onion, minced (optional)
1 1/2 tbsp plain flour
1/2 medium carrot, grated
salt and pepper to taste
vegetable oil

1/4 onion, minced (optional)
1/8 medium carrot, cut like thin fries
1 cloves garlic. minced
a bit oyster sauce
2 tbsp ketchup
cor starch 
vegetable oil

1. Mix all ingredients except oil
2. Heat some oil in the pan, then add the eggs mixture.
3. Keep frying until both sides golden brown and the edge crispy, set aside.
4. To make the sauce, heat some oil in the small saucepan, add garlic and onion keep, cook until fragrant.
5. Add water and carrot cook till carrot soft then add all sauce, lastly pour cor starch mixture.
6. Served on a plate with the sauce


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