Dragon Fruit Porridge
Angry birds want to join breakfast today! Delicious dragon fruit oat porridge for breakfast. #mom_dragonfruitoatporridgerecipe
This super fruit is a good source of vitamin C, it helps in strengthening immunity, aiding the absorption of iron by the body, producing collagen which makes our teeth healthier, and promoting a healthy and glowing skin. Vitamin C also helps boost your immunity, thereby keeping you from getting sick.
1/2 cup of oats
3/4 cup of water
1/4 small dragon fruit, mashed
1. Heat water in sauce pan medium low heat.
2. Add your oats to a pan and simmer on a low heat for a 2-3 minutes.
3. Then add all your dragon fruit (you can mash all or leave it some chunky) and leave for a further 3 minutes. Let it cooled a wile before serving.
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