Pretty Pink Porridge

Only using simple ingredients but taste so good! Not only it’s so good and healthy but also so pretty. Pretty Pink Porridge is healthy and good for your little one breakfast! I'm using organic Vilson gluten free oat, they also ensures that their products are pesticide- and artificial additive-free.  #mom_pinkyoatporridgerecipe

🥣 Pinky Oat Porridge with apple slices
🍇Fresh grapes

½ cup of oats ⁣⁣⁣
1 cup of oat milk⁣⁣⁣
A handful of raspberries, more for toppings

1. Heat milk in sauce pan medium low heat.
2. Add your oats to a pan and simmer on a low heat for a 2-3 minutes.
3. Then add your raspberries and leave for a further 3 minutes to soften them.⁣⁣⁣
4. Pop the raspberries using the back of your spoon. Keep string until porridge thicken.
5. Let it cooled a while before serving. Served with your little one favorite fruits.

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