Pretty Purple Porridge

This simple ingredients make the most delicious breakfast start to your day! Not only it’s so good and healthy but also so pretty. Pretty Purple Porridge is healthy and good for your little one breakfast.
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1/2 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries⠀⠀⠀⠀
1 cup oats
2 cup whole milk ⠀⠀⠀⠀
Extra blueberries or any fruits or chocolate for toppings
1. Heat milk in sauce pan medium low heat. 2. Add your oats to a pan and simmer on a low heat for a 2-3 minutes. 3. Then add your blueberries and leave for a further 3 minutes to soften them.⁣⁣⁣ 4. Pop the blueberries using the back of your spoon. Keep string until porridge thicken. 5. Let it cooled a wile before serving. Top with your little one favorite fruits and melted dark chocolate.

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